Project 3

After going through the challenges I noticed that there are many things that happen behind what we are able to see in technology. After seeing the amount of information your phone can have about you, and realizing identities are easily accessible from the internet and app’s we use, I realized I needed to know more. I think it is important in these situations to be fair and not necessarily pick a side to support. Personal privacy is most definitely something people deserve especially when terms are agreed upon. I believe the main issue is that people don’t understand that they are agreeing to terms that allow these companies and resources to access your information. Companies believe that they deserve the data from the users since they are already providing them with such a useful purpose.

At this rate, the more technology innovated and devices connected to the internet will cause more problems then there already are. In order to prevent these kinds of attacks that we have seen we must take action. Essentially, technology in the future may cause different kinds of attacks that we haven’t seen. This means more devices the more disclosure of information.

To prevent future attacks from happening in any case we must act for new standards in the field of technology. Most people simply aren’t aware of what is happening in their phones, take for example, all smart phones have tracking devices. The goal for people should be to keep privacy of their location, personal information in case of hacking or pure business schemes, and even your identity when your visible on the network. To prevent this, companies have to incorporate the privacy and security assurance for users when their product is released.

I think privacy is definitely important and shouldn’t be neglected because its what makes something quality and worth having. For example, I think my bank is the best bank because it provides the best security at the bank or even on the bank website or phone application. We want to be able to use things like google, facebook etc. without having to worry whether our information is leaking through in a way that we can’t tell. In this sense, the important thing to take away is that in a system of connected devices each device has a unique path and packet of information. That path and packet of information can simply lead to us and steal our information as if they were stealing our wallet or purse. The only way we can make a change is if we enforce encryption, verify protocol requests, check the hardware and assure yourself of all proper components, most importantly work with vendors you trust and are assured the security you deserve.

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