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Artificial intelligence is the theory that machines can be programmed to preform specific tasks that can relate to humans. The goal of AI is to enable machines to preform things that are normally done by humans but particularly, things that are tied into showing true intelligence. According to the definition I think many things can be considered AI in the software development field but that doesn’t have to say the products have the pure intelligence as a human would but instead none at all and still able to act. Many people say the goal is to build machines that think as humans would. I think it is hard to say that I agree with this because I see many other problems that come in advance that would not allow people to design such technology to test these machines. Saying that I agree that AI will be able to preform specific tasks that they are designed to preform. It’s possible that people can expand with this and be able to add imitations of more human like actions. Also I believe robots can be designed to move and act smoothly like humans. The point where I become skeptic is in thinking that machine robots can actually think intelligently on their own without the help of some program or human instruction.

AlphaGo, Deep Blue, and Watson are ways that people have come together to explore the possible ability of artificial intelligence in work and practice. I truly believe that these are proof of the viability of artificial intelligence because they are they the most we have to show for artificial intelligence which has come a long way in a short time. I think that people expect something sci-fi when they thing of AI and it shouldn’t be that way because its impossible without exploring each step of the way. With technology and software development I think it is important to make sure that you design something at a low scale initially and then work your way up making sure each step you test your production and ensure quality debugging. Besides, thinking that a robot can be designed to think exactly like an intelligent human is assuming that we have already discovered where our thoughts and motives come from.


I think that the Turing Test has become a measure of seeing if a robot can pass for a human. One example is Ex Machina which was designed based on the Turing Test. The Turing Test was intended to decide whether a machine can think in a way differently from a human. I believe that the Turing Test is valid in this situation because it isn’t proving that an AI is a human but rather seeing if the the AI can think like a human and differently than what is expected. As we see in Ex Machina Ava proved that she could think for her own and not what Nathen whom designed her himself had designed her to think. Ava passed the test because she was able to work her way through everything using the power of what would be considered her mind if he was actually human. The problem is when it gets technical because humans have interactions that are not so easily analyzed and for that reason what I am saying is one hundred percent true.


Biological humans have lived for thousands of years on this world tracing history and coming up with philosophies of how humans think and where human reasoning comes from yet still don’t have the full understanding of it. Because this topic is controversial and people look at it from many different ways you can argue that humans will never have the ability to include such features into a robot. If something like this can ever be achieved I think there will be many problems regarding people’s motives behind designing robots to do malicious things. I think a computing system can be considered a mind but what divides it from a human mind is that it doesn’t have conscious to create the decisions. There is no way a human is biological computer because no such thing exists or at least has been discovered to exist. Realistically after seeing the things that can happen in the world we live in by people, we can only imagine how much less controllable such disasters would be if robots were to be responsible.

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